Save the date for Christmas at Mosaic.
118 High Street, Wadsworth, Ohio 44281
Thursdays at 6:30 PM
Sundays at 9:00 AM and 11:00 AM

Boldly declare your faith.

Baptism is a powerful way to express your inward commitment to Jesus. Click below to learn more about baptism and to sign up.

Make a public declaration.

I follow Jesus.

You have chosen to follow Jesus and live like Him.

I am made new.

You are beginning a new, changed life in Jesus.

I have a family.

You are part of a new family, the family of Jesus.

We're ready when you are.

Click the button below to start the baptism process. Please read the statement at the top of the form about children being baptized.

Frequently asked questions

In Romans 6:11, the apostle Paul explains how baptism by immersion identifies the believer with the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus. Going underwater symbolizes Jesus' death and coming up out of the water illustrates his resurrection. Baptism is how you show your commitment to saying Jesus is the Lord of your life and you want to live like Him.

No. While you can be a Christian without being baptized, a Christian should be baptized. If nothing else, Jesus commanded baptism as a public declaration or symbol of your relationship with Him. Similarly, married people are married regardless of whether they wear their wedding ring, which is the symbol of their relationship with each other. I, for one, am glad that my wife wears her wedding ring...

If you were baptized as an infant, your parents made an act of faith. This was not a decision of your own. "Those who accepted (believed) his message were baptized ..." Acts 2:41 In this verse, there is a choice being made—an act of faith. An infant can't make that decision. We believe the Bible teaches that the commitment to be baptized should take place when someone is old enough to understand the decision they are making. If you are ready to make that decision, you should view it as the fulfillment of what your parents were doing for you.

Make sure you dress in dark clothes that you are comfortable getting wet. Bring a towel & change of clothes for afterwards. Lastly, expect to be celebrated by your Mosaic tribe!

Nope! The baptism team will guide you through writing and sharing your public declaration beforehand.

Are you ready for your next step?

Check out one of our next steps here at Mosaic. This link will take you to the home page where you can find the next step tab.
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