In the beginning...
Mosaic hasn’t always been Mosaic. We existed as Grace and Truth Church for 60 years. For most of that time it was a small, country church where people came, sang familiar songs, heard familiar Bible stories, and were content with being what they were. But God started to move unexpectedly.
In January of 2016 we felt called by God to change our name to more accurately describe who we were and who we were trying to become.
Mosaic—a group of smaller, unique, and sometimes broken pieces coming together to form a whole. That’s us. The one who championed this change was Lead Pastor Adam Barton. He had an angst in his heart to not just be a church for church people.
He wants a place where someone with no experience with God or the Bible or church can come in and not feel lost or out of place. To be a church where someone won’t feel judged or condemned for not having their life together. To be a church that doesn’t exist for itself, but for others. To be a church for people who don’t think church is for them.