Witness 1:8 - Our year end giving campaign.
118 High Street, Wadsworth, Ohio 44281
Thursdays at 6:30 PM
Sundays at 9:00 AM and 11:00 AM

See what God can do through you.

We believe God has given us so much & we desire for all people to know Him. But we can't do it alone. Your radical generosity help us continue sharing Jesus with our community.

Why give?

God is generous.

We are generous in response to God's generosity. God gave us everything... including His own Son. We are givers because God is a giver.

To build God's kingdom.

We give because we're called to. All throughout the teachings of the Bible, God's people are asked to give to build God's Kingdom on this Earth.


We give to see what God can do through us. Mosaic's mission is to see the lost, broken, and skeptical find new life in Christ. Your giving is not just to keep the lights on. It's to reach people far from God. It's to push back darkness in our world. It's to see our friends, family, and community transformed by the love of Jesus.

Give online.

Give Online. It’s simple and secure! Use your credit or debit card to give a recurring or one time gift.

Other ways to give.

In person.

Giving envelopes are available on the side of the giving boxes locationed in the back of the Worship Space or at the Welcome Desk. Just place your check or cash in an giving box during any Mosaic Worship Experience.

By mail.

Mosaic Wadsworth
Attention: Finance
PO Box 210
Wadsworth, OH 44282
Giving box at Mosaic.

If you haven't given through our new platform or you need to edit your giving, you can log into Church Center.

Log into Church Center

To access your giving statement online, log into your Church Center account. If you need any assistance logging into your account, please contact the finance department.

The Tithes giving option is our general operating fund that is used to finance the ongoing operations of Mosaic Wadsworth. We encourage contributors to give their Biblical tithe and offering to this fund throughout the year.

Please feel free to contact us with any questions about gifting assets to Mosaic Wadsworth.

Church Center is our giving platform that allows you to give a single gift or schedule recurring giving using your checking account, debit, or credit card.

Login to your Church Center account »

Individuals from any country can give a one-time gift through Church Center using an accepted credit card. If you live outside of the United States and have questions about giving, please feel free to contact us.

Set up a Church Center account »

Are you ready to take your next step?

Check out one of our next steps here at Mosaic. This link will take you to the home page where you can find the next step tab.
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